Friday, October 29, 2010

Go Big Shred Premiere

Heres the info for Go Big Shred. Everybody had better go to this, because nobodies gonna support Omaha except Omaha.

"Jordan Johnson's 4th skateboarding video, filmed entirely in HD (and some Super 8), featuring parts from:

-Bruce Abraham
-Cory Foster
-Drew Newlin
-Lee Osterholt
-Trey Owens
-Sean Souders
-And additional footage from many, many more!

Please come out and support Omaha skateboarding no matter what the weather conditions be on December 5th! The video will start promptly at 7:30, so get there early to get a good parking spot!

Feel free to invite anyone - capacity at Dundee is 475 people, so LET'S FILL THAT MOT*edit*KER. I'll be messaging you all as the date gets closer just to remind you of what you ought to be doing on a cold Sunday night.

Admission will be $5 per person and a mandatory hug from me, an ass slap for Jordy, an old board to focus for Cory, or an MD 20/20 for me/Trey."